先日レポートの通り、7月21日に“HAL YAMASHITA”のお弁当10個をお届けした昭和大学江東豊洲病院の病院長さまより、本日Bentodaoプロジェクト宛にお礼状をいただきましたので、ご報告いたします。

We would like to report the following honorable thank-you letter from the representative of Showa koto toyosu hospital, delivered 10 lunch boxes on July 21st.;
“Dear Bentodao charity project members,
Thank you for gifting a special bento box to our medical staff who facing COVID-19. We all the staff of this hospital would like to express our sincere gratitude to your team’s kind and warm support. At this hospital, all staff are working together to treat and prevent the spread of infection. We, as medical professionals, declare that we will continue to strive for medical activities to meet the expectations of the local community.
We would like to express our gratitude to you in this letter.
Best regards, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital Director, Tsuyoshi Kasama“
After the opening of the Olympic Games on the 22nd, the number of domestically infected Covid19 has surged again, marking the highest number ever.
We are proud to be able to help healthcare professionals, extremely difficult and busy, and deeply grateful for your support to we can continue this actions.
Warm regards,
オリンピック開幕を控えた豊洲にある昭和医大病院に、Bentodaoの趣旨に賛同いただいた“HAL YAMASHITA“の看板弁当「特選上ちらし寿司神戸牛炭火焼き合い盛り弁当」を10個お届けしました。
また、営業時間前にもかかわらず、最大数のお弁当をご用意くださったHAL YAMASHITA東京のみなさま、ご協力ありがとうございました。(1点ずつ丁寧に保冷剤と共に梱包したものをご用意くださいました)。

We have been honored to be able to deliver 10 “HAL YAMASHITA”s bento boxes to Showa University Hospital in Toyosu July 21st following our last delivery in Kyoto. They, doctors also continuously supporting COVID19 vaccination and forthcoming Tokyo Olympic Games. We truly hope that Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics will proceed smoothly as it is known as celebration of peace.
Best Regards,
July 8, 2021
The first memorable bento Dao Charity will be launched from Kyoto ahead of other regions.
We have delivered 20 sandwich lunch boxes from the 084 side dish store to the “Kyoto Yamashiro General Medical Center,” which is the core of Kyoto’s Covid19 countermeasures.
For the first time, NFT art with a bento motif has appeared in the form of an actual bento boxes.
We would like to share with you a memorable moment when support started for medical professionals who have been engaged for a long time during the Covid19 disaster.